Internet Of Things (Iot) Technology Is Taking Hotel Guest Experience To Next Level

Hotel operators are seeing the benefits of the digital transformation every day, now they rely on Internet of Things connected devices to redefine guest experience by obtaining tailored information and preferences of their guest and are better engaging with their customers by providing customized experience and service.

Internet of Things(IoT) is already changing the way products and services deliver value and in the coming years it will render hyper-personalized recommendation and solve real-time queries redefining guest experience. (Don’t believe us? A research by Greenstein Holdings LLC forecasts that 30 billion devices will be connected by 2020, 160 zega byte data to be contributed by 2025!)

Why is IoT good news for hospitality?
When you understand an IoT powered smart home, IoT in hospitality is not all that big of a big leap. Internet of things (IoT) in hotel industry implies reduced cost and customized guest experience.
From the guest side, they stay in rooms that are automated were they can adjust the lights, room temperature, control television or even call the room service without getting out of the bed with help of their smart devices. With the help of IoT in hospitality guest stay are more comfortable and customizable.

What's more, speaking about smart phones, IoToffers increased integration with our own devices. Guests can check – in, unlock their Hotel room using their smart phones, providing a seamless hotel experience.  In addition, mobile integration provides information with the guest permission that enables hotels to recollect guest preferences. Hoteliers can make it a stride further and personalize their reservation based on past stays.

How IoT is helping to increase Hotel efficiency?
IoT in hospitality helps in increasing in automation and information sharing thus helping cost saving through hotel efficiency and customization. Using IoT, hotels can equip with the lighting innovation which can adjust according to natural light in a room. Likewise, to cut back on energy costsIoT technology adjusts energy by detecting a room’s occupancy without compromising guest’s comfort. 

Here’s are ways IoT can assist you!

Guest habit and behavior information – IoTin hospitality allow you to collect information about guests that wasn’t available before: preferences, routine activities, guest patterns etc. By implementing IoT in your hotel operations allows you to know your guests more and cater services according to their needs.

Room Automation - Guest-room automation provides a way for hotels to stand out from the competition by making guests feel comfortable, accommodated, and on the cutting edge of modernity. For Instance, Hotels & Resorts can utilize a technique called “daylight harvesting” to save energy and increase indoor lighting consistency by automatically adjusting the LED lighting based on the natural light detected coming into the room.

Mobile Engagement- Today, there is almost 85% ofglobal population receiving mobile coverage with over 6.8 billion mobile phones. Guests use their phone as the key to their room or for enquiring and chatting with the front desk. Mobile engagement is also helping back office through the use of an EAM CMMS application. Engineers can access work requests or work orders that need to be performed on the property to increase guest satisfaction by eliminating the need for a paper request that could go left unnoticed.

APIs and Third Party Integration - As the IoT market is maturing, vendors are likely to consolidate, creating a smaller amount of vendors with more unified system offerings. Until then, integration will provide work for many, and APIs combined with standard data communication protocols will be the lifeblood of an integrated IoT system.

Marketing automation –With the use of IoT, crucial guest information is compiled and analyzed and created a network of knowledge about guest buying patterns, preferences and guest location, etc. These analysis not only allows hoteliers to know more about their guests use and interaction with technology, it also helps hotels strike the right balance between user preference and timely delivery of preferred products and service to the guest.

Process optimization –IoT is a great source to integrate with your hotel ERP and CRM systems with the help of internet. By integrating your Hotel CRM, it is easier and faster to manage your inventory, track unpaid invoices, send quotes and manage other key hotel management operations. Hence, allowing your employees to focus on growth of your business, acquiring more guests and keeping your current guests happy. With IoT technology in place a hotel can use sensors-data to figure out what are the risky trends and notify maintenance team before hand and solve before the issue gets escalated.

As you can see, new technologies offer incredible opportunities to redefine ultimate guest experience. The future of hospitality definitely goes way beyond IoT, but hoteliers should not merely look beyond it, but rather connect it with all the remarkable tech options that are available. Ask our mycloud hospitality experts for a free consultation to explore the magic of Internet of Things in your hotel business and know how it can rapidly take the hotel experience to a whole new level.


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