
Internet Of Things (Iot) Technology Is Taking Hotel Guest Experience To Next Level

Hotel operators are seeing the benefits of the digital transformation every day, now they rely on Internet of Things connected devices to redefine guest experience by obtaining tailored information and preferences of their guest and are better engaging with their customers by providing customized experience and service. Internet of Things (IoT) is already changing the way products and services deliver value and in the coming years it will render hyper-personalized recommendation and solve real-time queries redefining guest experience. (Don’t believe us? A research by Greenstein Holdings LLC forecasts that 30 billion devices will be connected by 2020, 160 zega byte data to be contributed by 2025!) Why is IoT good news for hospitality? When you understand an IoT powered smart home, IoT in hospitality is not all that big of a big leap. Internet of things (IoT) in hotel industry implies reduced cost and customized guest experience. From the guest side, they stay in room...

How to Choose a Cloud Based Hotel Management Software for India-Based Property

India has always been a land of mysticism for travelers. Visitors from all over the world come to India and tourism has been one of the mainstays of the Indian economy. For hotel owners in India, managing their guests and properties can be difficult with traditional methods of bookkeeping and accounting. This is where cloud based hotel management software can help hotels in India. If you are looking for a cloud hotel software for your hotel in India, you will find many options online. But which one is the right fit for your property? You need to find the right set of features that tick all the boxes for efficient hotel management. Make sure you do your research and look into different software before choosing the one that suits your needs and requirements. To help you make a better choice, let’s take a look at some of the features that are a must in any cloud based hotel management software. Credit Card Processing - Reliable and trouble-free payment processing is a must-hav...